Complex Breast Augmentation for Asymmetry/Tuberous Breast Correction
Eighty percent of women have some degree of asymmetry, with 15 percent of these extremely “lopsided.” Women who seek correction for this condition usually need breast augmentation surgery with breast implants that are of different sizes, and also some breast lift surgery to adjust the nipple-areola area to different positions. Other women may need a breast reduction in one breast to help obtain an even, symmetrical breast shape and size. Many of these plastic surgery patients are young and are extremely embarrassed by their breasts.
By providing well-planned complex primary breast augmentation and correlating cosmetic surgeries, Dr. Pautler can significantly improve the balance of the breasts, as well as boost the overall self-esteem and well-being of patients who have been troubled by their breasts. If you would like to find out more about complex primary breast augmentation, contact our plastic surgery practice near Pittsburgh to schedule a consultation.
For more information about Complex Breast Augmentation, view the Frequently Asked Questions.
Breast Augmentation Types
When considering breast augmentation surgery, there are two kinds of breast augmentation implants:
Saline breast implants are filled with a natural, salt-water solution. If you have breasts with different volumes, saline breast implants can be filled to different amounts, one side more or less than the other, making your breasts appear more even and balanced. A rupture, if it occurs, is fairly easy to diagnose just by physical exam. According to the FDA, women should be 18 years of age or older to receive saline implants. These implants can be rolled up and placed under the breast through a small incision, and are filled AFTER insertion. Some women think saline breast implants feel firmer than silicone-gel implants.
In thin-skinned patients, silicone-gel breast implants tend to feel more natural. They are pre-filled with a safe, FDA-approved, man-made polymer substance. Numerous scientific studies over the years have shown that silicone gel-filled implants are safe and effective for breast augmentation and reconstruction. Because these breast implants are pre-filled, their volume cannot be altered to adjust symmetry. In this situation, implants of different sizes are needed to balance out breasts that are different sizes. They also require a slightly larger incision. A rupture is much harder to detect and special diagnostic imaging may be required to detect any leakage. You must be over 22 when your body is considered fully matured to receive silicone-gel breast implants.
Please visit the Aesthetic Society and Breast Implant Safety website for the latest information on breast implant options.
Breast Augmentation Methods
It is the goal of plastic surgery to minimize scarring or make scarring as discrete as possible. In the case of complex primary breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Pautler will use one or a combination of the following methods to reduce scarring:
Inframammary fold approach
This plastic surgery incision is made in the crease underneath the breast. It is used to place the breast implant in the preferred position under the muscle.
Circumareolar approach or Donut Mastopexy
The plastic surgery incision is made between the white and the pink skin of the entire areola. This approach is necessary if the nipple-areola area needs replaced to a higher location on the breasts.
Vertical Mastopexy
Also known as a lollipop mastopexy, the plastic surgery incision is around the areola and with an up and down limb to the crease underneath the breast.
Standard Mastopexy
For additional tightening and lifting the plastic surgery scar is around the areola, up-and-down from the areola, and underneath in the crease beneath the breast.
Vertical breast reduction
Scars from the plastic surgery are limited to around the areola and an up-and-down scar from the areola to the crease beneath the breast.
Wise-pattern breast reduction
This plastic surgery incorporates the scar around the areola, up-and-down from the areola, and underneath in the crease beneath the breast.
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An uneven appearance of the breasts can have a significant effect on your self-esteem and can be addressed permanently with breast augmentation surgery. When addressing breast asymmetry, there are three main surgical techniques utilized to correct varying causes of uneven breasts. These include:
- Breast lift. A procedure to address nipple position to achieve a balance between breasts.
- Breast reduction. Typically used when one breast is bigger than the other to reduce the larger one for a more balanced appearance.
- Breast enlargement. The use of implants to enlarge the smaller breast can help achieve symmetry and balance.
It is important to remember that breast asymmetry surgery must be individualized to the needs of each patient and will often include a combination of techniques. Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in breast asymmetry corrections is essential in tailoring the procedure to meet your specific needs.
An uneven appearance of the breasts can have a significant effect on your self-esteem and can be addressed permanently with breast augmentation surgery. When addressing breast asymmetry, there are three main surgical techniques utilized to correct varying causes of uneven breasts. These include:
- Breast lift. A procedure to address nipple position to achieve a balance between breasts.
- Breast reduction. Typically used when one breast is bigger than the other to reduce the larger one for a more balanced appearance.
- Breast enlargement. The use of implants to enlarge the smaller breast can help achieve symmetry and balance.
It is important to remember that breast asymmetry surgery must be individualized to the needs of each patient and will often include a combination of techniques. Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in breast asymmetry corrections is essential in tailoring the procedure to meet your specific needs.
When dealing with differing breast sizes, the treatment will depend on the preferences of the patient. If you prefer the size of the smaller breast, performing a breast reduction on the larger breast can help to achieve better symmetry and balance. However, if a larger size is preferred, the use of implants can be used to improve the size imbalance. In cases where a larger size is preferred on both sides, the use of different-sized implants can be used to even out the appearance and enhance the aesthetics of the breasts.
Many variations exist in the handling of size asymmetries which highlights the importance of selecting an experienced plastic surgeon. Not only does an experienced surgeon decrease the risks of complications, they are important in evaluating all options and formulating a customized plan to maximize the results of the surgery.
Although this may seem like a minor cosmetic flaw to some, it can produce significant psychological and emotional distress in the affected woman. If you are unhappy with the asymmetrical appearance of your breasts, breast asymmetry surgery may be right for you.
Tubular breasts are disproportionately shaped due to congenital abnormalities giving the breasts a “tube-like” shape, puffy areola, narrow base, and downward pointing nipples. The underdeveloped breast tissue can leave many feeling self-conscious about their appearance.
Tuberous breast correction requires a surgeon to volumize and reshape the tubular tissues. The use of a fat transfer procedure can help accomplish these goals and provide an improved breast appearance. However, fat is soft and is limited to fixing mild tubular deformities. The aesthetic outcomes of fat transfer breast procedures for the most part are natural, implant-free, and can provide long-term results IF YOUR WEIGHT REMAINS STABLE.
Fat transfer procedures harvest fat from other parts of the body, process the obtained fat into an injectable form, and inject it in small amounts to enhance the size and restore contour to the breasts. Fat transfer DOES NOT give the same round firm appearance as an implant can. For an implanted look it is best to use implants. Tubular breasts can be very effectively enhanced with implants especially in severely constricted breasts. The implants are firmer and more predictably round out the deficiencies in this breast type. Implants can also give a more dramatic increase in volume that fat cannot do. To reduce the diameter and/or puffiness off the areola, a “donut” mastopexy is often combined with the implants and/or fat transfer.
The factor most commonly determining coverage for the procedure is whether it is a medically necessary surgery. The cause of asymmetry will play a role, for instance, in situations where lumpectomies or single mastectomy produces unevenness, insurance companies may cover the procedure. For other asymmetries that are congenital, or from aging or weight gain/loss, insurance typically does not provide coverage.
During the initial consultation, Dr. Pautler will discuss with you the combination of recommended procedures necessary to obtain the best possible look and symmetry. It may include a breast enlargement in one breast, a breast reduction in the other breast or a breast lift one or both breasts. Dr. Pautler will determine the correct combination of procedures that will be best for you.
Many factors can affect the overall symmetry of your breasts. These factors include pregnancies, breastfeeding and losing or gaining weight. If you lose a significant amount of weight, the breasts may become flabbier. If you gain a significant amount of weight, the breasts will become larger and gravity will have more of a negative effect. You can have as many revisional breast surgeries as time, health and other factors may dictate.
Every individual is unique. Some women heal quickly and some heal slowly. In general, skin type determines the quality of the scar. Despite the most meticulous technique, some individuals heal poorly, while others heal beautifully. Age can also play a factor in healing time after breast lift surgery. The older you are the less red and tender your breast lift scars may appear while younger women may have pink or reddish scars that will be tender for several months and may take up to a year to fade. A patient should massage the scars a few times a day with a product such as vitamin E oil or cocoa butter applying pressure while massaging the scars. The pressure during the massage is more important than the type of cream product used.
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